
Debate: Can Trump Make America Great Again?: YES

Source: http://teapartyorg.ning.com/photo/donald-trump-smile

No matter what Donald Trump says, he doesn’t want to be the president. I wholeheartedly believe he is a media grandstander. Don’t be mistaken, though: this is a man with massive potential.

When President Obama took office after the election of 2008, there was a widespread belief that he had already begun, and would continue, to change the landscape of politics.

Many believed that he would end divisive political partisanship, bringing cohesion and unification among ethnic, religious, and social groups. Unfortunately, this did not happen. Our country remains as greatly divided as it has been since the Civil Rights Movement.

After years of disappointment, Donald Trump—an aging, egotistic billionaire— has finally emerged as our hope for change.

Trump’s greatest asset is his fearless dismantling of the modern epidemic of “political correctness.” His fortune has given him the freedom to say whatever he wants, without having to contend with or cater to donors or super-PACs like his opponents.

This freedom has given Trump immense power, which he uses to extract the truth from the traditional grandstanding of his fellow politicians. Unlike his opponents, who are fearful of losing a single penny from their donors, Donald Trump has nothing to lose.

As a result, he has completely changed the landscape of politics in a matter of months. It is nothing less than extraordinary.

Before Trump’s emergence on the national stage, the media fully dictated the political conversation in America. Now, Trump controls that conversation.

A single Trump sound bite can become viral in an instant, yielding dozens of op-eds and roundtable discussions. His divisive personality has, ironically, united both parties in conversation—something not even the Iranian nuclear crisis could.

Of course, as with any politician that is as controversial and confrontational as Donald Trump, there has been significant backlash.

One of the most aggressive policies Trump has announced is his immigration plan. He wants to deport over eleven million illegal immigrants and revoke the citizenship of their children born in America, prompting many to slap him with a laundry list of negative labels, with bigot, racist, and supremacist at the very top.

Undoubtedly, Trump’s plan is a hostile solution to a very sensitive issue, but we must realize that the answers other politicians have offered are either ineffective or unsustainable. As a country that has nearly doubled its debt under President Obama, providing for these people is not feasible.

Trump is the only one that recognizes that it is time for America to dismiss the belief that it can spend and financially act without consequences. It is time to be pragmatic.

Considering that the Iowa Caucus does not take place until February of next year, candidates are reluctant to release policy specifications until that date looms closer. It is my guess that Trump, like his opponents, will not take the time to delve into policy proposals.

Unlike his opponents, however, his reluctance to do so is not because he is trying to save votes or maintain anticipation. His crusade to “Make American Great Again” does not revolve around an immigration plan, a tax strategy, or his stance on relations with foreign countries.

Instead, his campaign seeks to bring truth to this phrase by igniting the millennial generation. And so far, he has been victorious in his endeavor.

Millennials have begun to shape society around their philosophies and beliefs.

This transformation can be seen with the ever-increasing struggles of establishment politicians such as Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton.

On the other hand, both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are resonating with large audiences, especially of the younger demographic, even though these men appear too uncharacteristically radical to be so successfully competitive in a traditional presidential election.

But this is not a traditional presidential election and these men are not traditional presidential candidates. These men—especially Donald Trump—are at last offering what Americans are starving for: genuine hope for change.

The counterargument can be found here.