This year’s fall production is Clue! Many of you are most likely familiar with this popular board game in which this show is going to be based off of. The plot of this play follows almost verbatim to that of the game, with a few changes- extra characters and interesting touches here and there. The play follows the mystery of a recent murder, taking unexpected turns on the journey to find out who the killer is. Blind Brook High School’s production of the show will take place on Friday November 19 as well as Saturday November 20. There will be two separate casts for each of these shows, showcasing a bunch of different talents! While there are a good amount of freshmen and sophomores taking part in the play, the cast mainly consists of juniors and seniors. This year’s cast consists of 23 actors along with the helpful crew members. Playing one of the lead roles of Wadsworth is Kyle Grindstaff. He walks the audience through the story and acts as a narrator. Wadsworth is a butler in this production. This year’s fall show will not contain any songs, or as stated in previous years, “There will be no music in this production, simply just a play.” (Aviella Kibel Grade 9) The entire cast and crew have been working extremely hard to make this play happen. Everyone in this production is extremely passionate about the play and has been devoting their hard work and time into this masterpiece. During the month of October practice was typically two days a week after school, yet moving into November the cast will be beginning to practice three days a week, plus every day during tech week. The props in this show are slightly different to other plays in previous years. While it is typical that the props be put on and off the stage, this year’s props stay on the stage entirely and act as the different rooms like in the original board game. These props will be highlighted with lighting, which is a key component to this set. There will be different portions of the stage that act as the rooms typically seen in the board game. This makes that set unusual and exciting because instead of the changing set, different parts are brought focus to. As for COVID protocols, the play has returned almost back to normal this year, apart from the standard mask wearing in practices. There were allowed to be the typical auditioning process, along with call backs. The play will be in person and students and parents alike will be able to attend. The play is also the same time of year it normally is and did not need to be pushed back at all. Later this year in the spring the actors will be producing a musical as usual. The students and teachers alike have put in so much work to make this show incredible, and I’m sure it will be truly amazing. We are so excited to see this year’s annual fall show and know it will be spectacular!
Fall Show