Throughout the week of March 21, Blind Brook High School hosted their fifth annual Wellness Week. Prior to 2017, Blind Brook had a Wellness Day, however this was expanded into Wellness Week by Student Assistance Counselor, Monique Tricarico. Throughout the week, students and teachers can partake in informative and exciting activities that help everyone cope with stress, and improve their overall wellness.
Ms. Tricarico works with the BBHS SADD club to organize and execute the week of activities. Members of SADD have the opportunity to come up with activities, and run the tables, managing them throughout the week. This allows Blind Brook students to interact with their peers, rather than adults, when learning about wellness.
This year was the first time that a full week of activities has been carried out in both the middle school and high school. Unfortunately due to COVID, last year students only had activities during the days their cohort met in person. The SADD Club, along with the rest of the high school, was extremely excited that this week could be carried out normally this year. The timing of this event could not have been more perfect, because Blind Brook needed something to split up the monotony of March.
The week’s events encompassed a wide variety of activities, including ways to cope with stress, and things that simply bring joy to people’s days. Monday started out with an activity called “Kick Your Stress to the Herb”! Students and faculty were able to plant different types of calming herbs, such as lavender and chamomile. We were also visited by an adorable therapy dog to put a smile on everyone’s face! Tuesday continued with a “Complement Door”, where encouraging and kind messages were written on “post its”, and placed in doorways to spread positivity. Wednesday was welcomed with another visit from the therapy dogs, along with essential oils, tea, and clay to destress. Thursday, a sweet treat was the item of the day! Students enjoyed tasty ice pops throughout the lunch block. The week was closed off on Friday with one last visit from the therapy dogs, and a fun beading activity. The overall goal of the week was to, as Ms. Tricarico stated, “not only give students something fun to do in school, but also to give ideas of things students can do outside of school to reduce stress.”
There are many ways we can destress, and spread positivity, and BBHS Wellness Week taught students a few. This wonderful event gets students involved in actively bettering themselves, and the community around them.
Wellness Week