As the United States is now one week away from the presidential election, an important topic to take a look at is the economy. “The economy” has consistently ranked as the top issue for voters heading into this election cycle, and with good reason. Ever since the pandemic, the U.S...
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Over the 51 years Blind Brook has had its doors open, the arts program at the school has seen many different instructors and gone through many different students. To gather the true history of Blind Brook Arts, I spoke to two different teachers who have been a major part of the program...
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As the United States is now one week away from the presidential election, an important topic to take a look at is the economy. “The economy” has consistently ranked as the top issue for voters heading into this election cycle, and with good reason...
Over the 51 years Blind Brook has had its doors open, the arts program at the school has seen many different instructors and gone through many different students. To gather the true history of Blind Brook Arts, I spoke to two different teachers who...
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As the United States is now one week away from the presidential election, an important topic to take a look at is the economy. “The economy” has consistently ranked as the top issue for voters heading into this election cycle, and with good reason...
Over the 51 years Blind Brook has had its doors open, the arts program at the school has seen many different instructors and gone through many different students. To gather the true history of Blind Brook Arts, I spoke to two different teachers who...
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As the United States is now one week away from the presidential election, an important topic to take a look at is the economy. “The economy” has consistently ranked as...
Over the 51 years Blind Brook has had its doors open, the arts program at the school has seen many different instructors and gone through many different students. To...
Every Wednesday afternoon, 23 middle school students gather in room M101 and sit down at the dry-erase tables next to high school student instructors. For the next hour...
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As the United States is now one week away from the presidential election, an important topic to take a look at is the economy. “The economy” has consistently...
Over the 51 years Blind Brook has had its doors open, the arts program at the school has seen many different instructors and gone through many different...
Every Wednesday afternoon, 23 middle school students gather in room M101 and sit down at the dry-erase tables next to high school student instructors. For the...
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As the United States is now one week away from the presidential election, an important topic to take a look at is the economy. “The economy” has...
Over the 51 years Blind Brook has had its doors open, the arts program at the school has seen many different instructors and gone through many...
Every Wednesday afternoon, 23 middle school students gather in room M101 and sit down at the dry-erase tables next to high school student instructors...
With the upcoming election student activism has hit new highs and it is all fueled for a desire to change our education system in America. All...