Personal devices, such as laptops, have always been allowed in school. Blind Brook High School students remember the old days as middle school students when...
Category - Viewpoints
The majority of the students in the Blind Brook High School are younger than 18 and have not yet earned the right to vote. This means they weren’t able...
A new topic has been drawing a lot of attention within schools from all over, having teachers question whether or not they...
During World War I, the US government passed the Standard Time Act of 1918 in an attempt to conserve fuel and energy for the war. People would wind their...
Within the past decade, the habits and routines of students have changed drastically. With the rapid evolution of technology and the impacts of the COVID-19...
In an increasingly online age, many schools are making the jump from physical documents, Google Docs, cardboard to motherboard, and paper to online. While...
Dialogue in Blind Brook High School has been provoked over the topic of getting rid of the quarter system currently being used to grade students in each class...
The start time of schools has been a very controversial topic for years. Some think that elementary schools should start before high schools because the...
The administration here at Blind Brook has been claiming that many actions and initiatives they have taken are in the name of dealing with student stress and...
With most college applications in, and the first quarter over, all that is left for many of Blind Brook’s Seniors is to eagerly anticipate college decisions...