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From Our Editor

Recently I had the opportunity to speak with John King, CNN’s Chief National Correspondent. I asked Mr. King for some advice, one journalist to another. Mr...


Splitting the State

With a census every ten years comes potential new Congressional districts in each state; 2020 was the year of counting the U.S. population, as required by the...



Between the dates January 21th and January 25th, several acts of vandalism were committed at Blind Brook Middle High School, causing damage to multiple school...


New Faces at BBHS

This school year, Blind Brook High School is delighted to welcome two new teachers, Mr. Olivencia and Ms. Browne. As the school year is now in full swing, both...


From our Editor:

You may have noticed that we have made a change to the format of FOCUS. We are going to be publishing smaller editions every few weeks instead of just three or...