Recently, freshman Ezra Werlinich has been given the Future Leader of the Year award by the Association of Development Officers (ADO), a nonprofit organization devoted to raising public awareness in philanthropy, based in White Plains. The award was given to Werlinich for his work in the...
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There has been speculation for the past eighty years that eating less could actually allow an organism to live longer; the opposite of what most people would intuit. Therefore, research has been conducted on laboratory animals to try to understand the benefits of eating less, also known...
On Thursday, February 26th a question was raised that split the Internet in half. Is the dress blue and black or white and gold? This “dress”, found in a photograph posted on Tumblr, prompted an Internet discussion. Some people commented they saw white and gold, while others replied they...
FOMO (n., informal): Anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on a social media website (Oxford Dictionaries) FOMO, a word only recently created, is the abbreviation for the phrase “Fear of Missing Out.” This FOMO is a...