Every season within high school sports has a story of triumph, struggle, and growth, but one of the most successful Blind Brook Trojan soccer seasons bore the mark of an almost undefeated regular season with thrilling victories and an inspiring journey through the sectional semifinals...
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The upcoming Wicked movie, which is releasing in two parts, has greatly excited fans of the original Broadway musical as well as those of the novel by Gregory Maguire. Directed by Jon M. Chu—an American film director known for Crazy Rich Asians and In the Heights—the film is expected to...
The Fall play of 2024 was no longer a play but another musical! Everyone was excited for the weekend of November 15th, when three shows were performed by the Blind Brook High School theater program. The musical, Ranked, was the chosen production. Ranked tells the story of a competitive...
With the victory of former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential elections against former Vice President Kamala Harris, America will experience a dramatic change in leadership. Not much is clear as of now, but a quick look at Trump’s previous policies and proposed plans can give...
Personal devices, such as laptops, have always been allowed in school. Blind Brook High School students remember the old days as middle school students when they were stuck with an unresponsive Chromebook that took way too long to load. It was always the motivation to use the devices that...