Charles Von Hollen, Blind Brook’s Director of Technology, recently won a renowned technology award. Von Hollen won the award for Outstanding Innovative Leader at the LHRIC’s TELL award ceremony. LHRIC is the Lower Hudson Valley Information Center which works with school districts across...
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To conclude their “Food Truck Project,” before moving on to a different elective for the second semester, the 8th graders taking Family and Consumer Sciences with Mrs. Bhanti were asked to create their own food truck. The truck was meant to be a student’s dream food business. In the...
March was a memorable month for the Blind Brook High School musical theater program as the Blind Brook players retook the stage in the musical Footloose. After two school years without a live musical theater experience, members of the Blind Brook theater community were ecstatic to be back...
I want to congratulate Dr. Colin Byrne on his appointment as the new Superintendent of the Blind Brook School District. There have been 3 different superintendents during my four years at BBHS, one in particular has stuck out to me as a huge supporter of the student body, Dr. Byrne. At...
Should School Start at a Later Time?By, Abby Meron & Emily Tian YES:Abby Meron: A common issue talked about among high school students, their parents, faculty, and school district administrators is what time school should start. It is evident that there are many benefits to school...