This election cycle’s 2020 Democratic Debates have been exhausting, to say the least. Too many candidates on too small of a stage, short speaking times, trivial attacks, and far too little policy discussion. However, this entry is not to complain about the Democratic nomination...
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At one point, there were over a dozen Democratic candidates running for President, now there are three. Some virtual unknowns like Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard, others with strong name recognition like Michael Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren were all once in the running for President, but...
March 3rd, 2020, a key date in politics known as Super Tuesday, marked a major shift in the Democratic primary process. Prior to this date, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders was a clear frontrunner in the race to be the Democratic nominee for President. After Bernie’s early victories in New...
Plastic’s convenience is taken for granted. Not much thought goes into the negative consequences plastic brings to the environment and humankind. Unfortunately, despite its alluring convenience, plastic has devastating consequences that will be irreversible if nothing is done to stop it...
Chicxulub, Mexico is the site of a crater more than 110 miles wide, a token left behind by the asteroid that crashed into Earth millions of years ago, wiping out the dinosaurs. Perhaps the story of the dinosaurs is why rumors of our own extinction circulate every time an asteroid is...