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This afternoon, in a letter sent to the Blind Brook Community, Superintendent Dr. Jonathan Ross announced new administrative changes at both the middle and high school. During the past Board of Education meeting, it was announced that Middle School Principal, Mr. Todd Richard, was...
After the recent school assembly where the speaker discussed how music can help us feel better, it got me thinking; why does music have such a huge impact on our emotions? Music has always been a huge part of my life, whether it be to help me get excited for something, make me feel better...
For most upperclassmen, prom is a magical night that students wait all four years of high school to experience. This year, prom night will be different than in past years. A former Blind Brook senior recalled that in the past, prom night began with pre-prom, with most students meeting up...
As the third quarter comes to a close and AP exams are fast approaching, the reality has really begun to sink in for seniors. The next two months will be their last walking through the halls of Blind Brook. Many members of the senior class will begin their Senior Options after the...